A Boss AW-2 on the bench for some service.

Circuit board.

Component side of the circuit board.

The pedal a bit cleaned up and recaped.

A Boss AW-2 on the bench for some service.
Circuit board.
Component side of the circuit board.
The pedal a bit cleaned up and recaped.
JCM 800 2205 dated 1987.
Since about 30 years old and last known service dated from 1998 with new output tubes, it now got all them electrolytic caps changed and a new pair of EL34 power tubes.
New F & T cap vs old one.
A pair of caps hidden under the circuit board.
Guts after service, only mod is 1 ohm bias resistors added.
This set of rare equipment arrived the other day for service. I’m told it will not interact with a synteziser.
Here’s a picture of the Ampeg pedal hooked up for testing and calibration.
I could not find anything wrong with the Ampeg pedal, though it did need a new calibration. The old electrolytic capacitors will also be replaced.