About the Colorsound Flanger in an earlier post here. Found some schematics that helped rebuild the circuit.

Gut shot of the pedal in a working state.

So pleased to here it producing flanging sound again. Here’s a short soundclip.
About the Colorsound Flanger in an earlier post here. Found some schematics that helped rebuild the circuit.
Gut shot of the pedal in a working state.
So pleased to here it producing flanging sound again. Here’s a short soundclip.
These two arrived for repair.
Now here’s a rare pedal I got on the bench, a Colorsound Flanger.
However in a no working condition, Looking at the guts I’d say there’s some work to be done if it will ever work again.
Beyond repair? Well normally I’d call it electronic junk but looking closer at the circuit board there’s is still one component that makes me want to give it a try, the rare Reticon SAD512D BBD IC.
If anyone sits on a schematic for this pedal and like to share it with me I’d be very happy.
So I got an old Rozz R-5 Flanger on the workbench. It is in a no working condition. The outputjack was missing, the circuitboard is missing at least one diode and a transistor and some of the offboard wiring is loose. Seems like someone has tried to fix it but given up.
Did some search on the net but could not find a schematic for it but it seems identical to the Ampeg A-5 Flanger .
Searching on a schematic for the Ampeg Flanger did get me a schematic that seems correct.
The missing transistor was a 2SK30 for muting the Flanger effect, missing diode was connected to the gate of that transistor.So I got the offboard wiring reconnected and a replaced the missing components and fired it up. It just pass unmodulated signal. Measured the clock IC MN3101 with oscilloscope and found it did not send any clock frequency. Replaced it just to find that the BBD chip, a MN3006 was also broken. Replaced the BBD circuit and yes! There’s a flanging effect.