Tube amp channel switch

A new channel switching circuit board prepared for an old tube amp.

Tube amp channel switching
Tube amp channel switching

The plan is to fit it in this one.

Siemens Tube Amp
Siemens 6 S Ela 2427c


Power cord the wrong way

A word of warning. Never install your power cord like this!

Power cord
Power cord

Found it when replacing a bad power cord in an old amp. Had the new cord installed properly with the ground wire directly to the chassie ground.


Laney Klipp100 effects loop

Since the channel mod was made on the amp it saved a half 12AX7 preamp valve. Decided to use it as gain recovery stage and add an effects loop to the amp.

Effects loop Laney Klipp100
Effect loop Laney Klipp100


Laney Klipp100 channel mod.

Adding some optocouplers and making the klipp and the normal input selectable. Using either the switch on the front panel or remotable with a foot switch,

Laney Klipp100 channel switching
New circuit board with optocouplers added

The front panel of the amp with the new hardware added. switching with the remote input.

Channel switching


Custom paint job ZOOM MS-70CDR

Got a ZOOM Multispomp MS-70CDR on the workbench for a custom paint job.

Zoom MS-70CDR customizing

Opening it up we see that it consists of six circuit boards. One for each set of 6,3mm jacks, two for the for the switches and one for the pots .

Zoom MS-70CDR guts
ZOOM MS-70CDR guts

The motherboard holding the ZFX-3 DSP.

Zoom MS-70CDR guts

Everything removed but the display and the mechanical parts for the switches.

Zoom MS-70CDR guts
ZOOM MS-70CDR guts

Finally the chassie with everything removed.

Zoom MS-70CDR chassie
ZOOM MS-70CDR chassie


Laney Klipp 100 service

I’ve starteed working on the Laney amp as mentioned in an earlier post found here. I had it recapped and with no tubes, slowly brought it up to main voltage. Here’s a picure of them new caps.

Laney Klipp100
Laney Klip 100

Here’s the preamp section.

Laney Klipp100
Laney Klipp 100

As it has fixed bias but not adjustable I added a bias pot and measure points accessible from the outside on the back of the amp as seen closer in this image. I’ve also installed new 1K screen resistors instead of the 470R :s.

Laney Klipp100
Laney Klipp 100

Here’s the back panel with the bias pot and the measure points.

Laney Klipp100
Laney Klipp 100

Time to power it up with tubes, I had the bias voltage set to -54VDC as in it’s original state. Checked with dummy load and scope and all voltages are in specs. Also changed a few resistors and the master volume pot installed before I recieved it.

Laney Klipp100

Now I just hope it plays as it should, well see.
