A custom built circuit this one, two clipping circuits in one.
Work in progress
A custom built circuit this one, two clipping circuits in one.
Customer trying the repaired Colorsound Flanger pedal.
The circuit went through a massive repair and modification as seen in this image.
It’s been modded with a charge pump, lets it run from a standard 9VDC power supply. It also has trimmer that attenuates the output volume. Missing the bottom lid we got a new one manufactured.
An in depth look at the ramp down speed of the LFO in the dragonfly phase shifter. Going from fast speed to slow,
About the Colorsound Flanger in an earlier post here. Found some schematics that helped rebuild the circuit.
Gut shot of the pedal in a working state.
So pleased to here it producing flanging sound again. Here’s a short soundclip.
Here’s another Boss DD-3. The pedal gives signal in bypass, with effect engaged there’s just dry sound.
Someone has done some repair to the circuitboards power section seen in the upper left on this image.
The Mode selector rotary switch out of the chassie for replacement.
Old vs new rotary switch.
So what’s wrong with it. Found that C34 was broken, it did not pass any signal to the expander circuit. Had it replaced and got the delayed signal through the circuit, though at to high level and distorted. C31 was the cause of that problem. With C31 replaced the pedal works as it should. The tantalum capacitors C32 and C33 was also swapped with new ones as they do tend to fail in time. Checked and adjusted the high and low end of the Master clock frequency.
Here’s the service notes: Boss DD2-DD3.
Got hold of a powerstat, an old variable transformer from “The superior electric company Bristol Connecticut, U.S.A”
Also found an old chassie donator. Runs 3A 0 – 230VAC and 0 – 320VDC. Nice for tool for tubeamps. VAC outlet on the right side and VDC on the front panel.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year from Zeta Sound
A rare piece of non functional equipment, a Nadine’s Distortion on the workbench.
Gut shot, the circuit board in nice condition.
Component side.
The 6552 opamp was burnt, once replaced the pedal’s rocking again. Image of the circuit board with a socketed RC4558 as replacement for the 6552, the old electrolytic capacitors changed and a new battery clip installed.
Here’s some images of the Dragonfly. A new two stage phasing effect from Zeta Sound.
A video from an earlier post.
A Boss AW-2 on the bench for some service.
Circuit board.
Component side of the circuit board.
The pedal a bit cleaned up and recaped.