Turning the Boss DS-1 into something more of an overdrive, giving it a more dynamic response. Changes are made to the transistor booster stage, OP-amp gain stage and the overall frequency respons. Check Thomas Ziden as he gives an somewhat unusual pedal demo.
This project got forgotten for many reasons, earlier posts can be found here and here. Had a look at the project files for the schematic and the layout. I had some changes made to the schematic, mostly around the PSU and the speed presets. I’ve decided to go for a single stompswitch to navigate through the three speeds in the LFO.
Got a dead Boss DS-1 on the bench for repair and modification. I just had to replace the fried opamp and it was up and running. I was also told to mod the pedal in anyway I liked. Ever since I made the T-rex Mudhoney 2:nd stage mod the idea has been there to try something similar on a Boss or Ibanez pedal. So here it is on a Boss DS-1 pedal, the feature to choose a latching or momentary bypass.
Now here’s a rare pedal I got on the bench, a Colorsound Flanger.
However in a no working condition, Looking at the guts I’d say there’s some work to be done if it will ever work again.
Beyond repair? Well normally I’d call it electronic junk but looking closer at the circuit board there’s is still one component that makes me want to give it a try, the rare Reticon SAD512D BBD IC.
If anyone sits on a schematic for this pedal and like to share it with me I’d be very happy.
I found the time to get my mod for the Mudhoney done. First a gut shot of the pedal in its original state, nice and clean.
T-Rex Mudhoney guts
First thing was to remove the HEF4013 in order to take control of the bypass circuitry.
T-rex Mudhoney bypass circuit
The new circuit board that will control the fet bypass circuitry and the boost.
Custom board for 2:nd stage mod
Here’s a caption where I’ve mounted the footswitches for bypass and boost, two toggle switches for the momentary/latching option and a third one for the clipping diodes.
Wiring up the T-Rex Mudhoney 2:nd stage mod
The clipping diodes a pair of AA144 germanium.
AA144 diodes
Time to do some wiring then. The effects circuit board has had the boost switch removed, the original clipping diodes lifted from the ground plane on the circuit board. The new pot for tuning the gain is also in place. Here’s a caption of it wired up.
The T-Rex Mudhoney 2:nd stage mod
And a short video in an earlier stage where I’m testing the switching options.
T-rex Mudhoney 2:nd stage mod
And a picture of the pedal when it’s all done.
The T-Rex Mudhoney 2:nd stage mod
Well what can you say, that turned out somewhat different compared to the original.
Working on new mod for the T-Rex Mudhoney pedal. The plan is to use two stomp switches as in the mod I done before. One controlling the Boost on/off and the other one for bypass. What differs is the option to choose between latching and momentary action for the stomp switches.