Soldano SP-77

Service on a defect Soldano SP-77

On the workbench, a Soldano SP-77 in a nice cosmetic condition. It produces a very low, ugly distortion on both channels.

Soldano SP-77

There are no obvious signs of anything wrong on the inside.

Soldano SP-77

However, a voltage control on some critical points spotted the problem. The 100K resistor R24 is no longer conducting.

Soldano SP-77

A photo of the circuit board’s bottom side.

Soldano SP-77

After replacing the defective R24 resistor and the dried-up electrolytic caps, it is now functioning properly.

Soldano SP-77

Laney VH100R

Service of a Laney VH100R

A Laney head in nice condition but has a problem with output volume going up and down.

Laney VH100R
Laney VH100R

Looking on the inside reveals one problem.

Laney VH100R
Laney VH100R

Capacitor C13 for the clean channel preamp is on the loose.

Laney VH100R
Laney VH100R

Turning the circuit board around to resolder the capacitor reveals the solid state components in the amp, mainly for the channel switching. A bit dirty so some cleaning.

Laney VH100R
Laney VH100R

The main problem with the amp was located in the Line In/Power amp in jack on the back of the amp. All the preamps signals are summed through the closing contact on that jack. Again, some cleaning solved that issue.

Laney VH100R
Laney VH100R

Last thing a much needed bias set, the Sovtek 5881 tubes wa running way cold.

Retro Sonic

Retro Sonic Vintage Vibes

The MN3002 BBD in a Retro Sonic Vintage Vibes started making noise. All working conditions are in order so the guess is the BBD chip is not as it should.

The BBD is a MN3002.

Retro Sonic Vintage vibes Guts
Retro Sonic Vintage vibes Guts

Since the MN3002 BBD is hard to find, an extra adjustable low pass filter stage is installed. Allowing the user to set the cutoff frequency. Accessible with the bottom lid of next to the input jack.

Retro Sonic Vintage vibes Guts
Retro Sonic Vintage vibes Guts.

Boss DS-1 service

A Boss DS-1 in need of service.

Boss DS-1

It got fed 18V instead of the usual 9V, bypass is working fine but quiet when effect is engaged.

Boss DS-1

A voltage reading of the op-amp indicated it was fried, +9V on all the pins but the GND connection. Here replaced with a JRC4558, also take a look at the bigger 100uF capacitor to the left.

Boss DS-1

Here it is desoldered. It did not survive the 18V it was feed. Replaced with a new one and the circuit is working again.

Boss DS-1

Colorsound Supa Tonebender service

A Supa Tonebender in near mint condition, giving a very weak output signal.

Guts reveals what appears as all original.

Signal generator and a scopemeter isolated the problem to the bypass switch.

Not the typicall bypass switch construction. Note the date stamp 10 MAY 1976.

However a construction that is easy to service.

After a cleanupof the switch and the Radiohm potentiometers, the pedal is back in working condition.

Boss CE-2 chorus

My favorite chorus pedal the Boss CE-2 on the workbench for an ACA to PSA mod and a recap.

Boss CE-2

Solder side of the circuit board.

Boss CE-2

Component side.

Boss CE-2

For the ACA to PSA mod we want to remove D5 and R53 and jumper them.

Component side after the recap and ACA to PSA mod.

Boss CE-2

Boss CE-2 repair

An old black label Boss CE-2 with a bad Depth potentiometer

  • Boss CE-2
  • black labeled Boss CE-2

The depth pot made no change and you could rotate it with no stops. A view of the pot dismantled.

Broken Boss CE-2 depth potentiometer

As the pot was beyond salvation, the pedal got a new one installed.

Boss CE-2 potentiometer

Zeta Sound pedals

A customer sent a mail with a picture of his pedal board.

There’s four zeta sound pedals on the board. At the top left Eko, a custom orderd analog delay pedal, bottom left Magic Drive another custom order, bottom middle the Turtle Clipper and on the bottom right a zeta sound clone if the R.M Octavia.