Laney Klipp100 Modification
Modified with remote channel switching, effects loop, adjustable bias and a gain switch. For more info visit this post.
Zeta Sound Laney Klipp100
Zeta Sound Laney Klipp100
Zeta Sound Laney Klipp100
Zeta Sound Laney Klipp100
Zeta Sound Laney Klipp100
Zeta Sound Laney Klipp100
Zeta Sound Laney Klipp100
Zeta Sound Laney Klipp100
Zeta Sound Laney Klipp100
Zeta Sound Laney Klipp100
Zeta Sound Laney Klipp100
Zeta Sound Laney Klipp100
Zeta Sound Laney Klipp100
Harley Benton GA5 Modification
A Harley Benton GA5 modded with standby switch, lineoutjack, pentode/triode switch, fenderized in the preamp, tweedtonecontrol, mastervolume etc
Zeta Sound GA5 mod
Zeta Sound GA5 mod
Zeta Sound GA5 mod
Zeta Sound GA5 mod
Zeta Sound GA5 mod
Harley Benton GA5
Peavey ValveKing Royal 8 Modification
Modded with DC heaters, Standbyswitch, lineout, external speaker etc

Zeta Sound Peavey VK8 mod
Zeta Sound Peavey VK8 mod
Zeta Sound Peavey VK8 mod
Zeta Sound Peavey VK8 mod
Zeta Sound Peavey VK8 mod
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