I found the time to get my mod for the Mudhoney done. First a gut shot of the pedal in its original state, nice and clean.

First thing was to remove the HEF4013 in order to take control of the bypass circuitry.

The new circuit board that will control the fet bypass circuitry and the boost.

Here’s a caption where I’ve mounted the footswitches for bypass and boost, two toggle switches for the momentary/latching option and a third one for the clipping diodes.

The clipping diodes a pair of AA144 germanium.

Time to do some wiring then. The effects circuit board has had the boost switch removed, the original clipping diodes lifted from the ground plane on the circuit board. The new pot for tuning the gain is also in place. Here’s a caption of it wired up.

And a short video in an earlier stage where I’m testing the switching options.
And a picture of the pedal when it’s all done.

Well what can you say, that turned out somewhat different compared to the original.
/Krister Östman
Hi! I have one of these! How simple would it be to only add a switch for the BOOST function into the pedal. There’s lots of space? What would be required?
Hello. You need a latching stomp switch and some wires.
Hey, this mod looks nice. Could you please help me to define the replacement switch for Mudhoney 2 ? I broke my switch and only the half of the pedal works. The Alpha switch has “M” letter on it and 2E1 marking on the side. Is it a DPDT Momentary switch? Any other parameters I should consider?
Thank you in advance
Hello. I’ve not worked on the mudhoney 2 but the M marking suggests it’s a momentary switch.
Yes, it’s a momentary (On-On) DPDT switch. I’ve bought a replacement at Aliexpress and it works fine now. Thank you